Your Best Laser Skin Resurfacing Guide for Fall

Woman with clear, beautiful skin (model) standing outdoors holding a fallen orange leaf over her left eye.

As summer winds down, we see an uptick in patients scheduling laser skin resurfacing treatments at our plastic surgery practice—and for good reason. Laser skin resurfacing allows us to “zap” skin imperfections like wrinkles and scars while refreshing tired, dull skin damaged by the summer sun.

If you want smoother, fresher-looking skin and you’re considering laser skin resurfacing, consider this your guide to what you should know about laser skin resurfacing this fall. We’ll explore what the treatment can do, why many people believe autumn is the best time for laser skin resurfacing, what you can expect from recovery and results, and more.

What Can Laser Skin Resurfacing Do for You?

Laser skin resurfacing improves the skin’s tone, color, and texture by directing highly concentrated pulses of light into the damaged skin—usually on the face, neck, and chest. This removes the outermost layer of skin to reveal fresh, new skin beneath. Laser skin resurfacing may also complement other surgical cosmetic procedures, such as a facelift, blepharoplasty, or brow lift.

You may be an ideal candidate for laser skin resurfacing if you have the following:

  • Uneven skin tone
  • Acne scars
  • Age or liver spots
  • Sun damage
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enlarged pores
Lip Lift Case 123 Before & After Front | Denver, CO | Ladner Facial Plastic Surgery
Before & After CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing & Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Benefits of Laser Resurfacing in the Fall

Fall presents the ideal window for you to head indoors and away from the sun as your skin rests and heals from your laser skin resurfacing procedure. Here are just a few reasons you may want to consider refreshing your skin once summer is in the rearview mirror:

  1. Reduced Sun Exposure: During the fall, the sun is less intense compared to the summer months. Laser skin resurfacing makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight, and excessive sun exposure after the procedure can increase the risk of complications and hinder the healing process. Having the procedure in the fall can minimize sun exposure and reduce the chances of sun-related complications.
  2. Cooler Weather: Fall typically brings cooler temperatures, making post-procedure recovery more comfortable. After laser skin resurfacing, your skin will be red, sensitive, and require some downtime. Autumn’s cooler weather allows you to cover up more comfortably with scarves, hats, and clothing, protecting your skin from external elements and potentially reducing discomfort during the healing phase.
  3. Gradual Improvement: The results of laser skin resurfacing are not immediate; they become more apparent as the skin heals and regenerates over time. By choosing to have the procedure in the fall, you allow several weeks for the initial redness, swelling, and peeling to subside, revealing smoother, clearer skin. As winter approaches, your skin will continue to improve, and by spring, you’ll likely have achieved a significant transformation.
  4. Preparation for Upcoming Social Events: Fall is often a time when people start preparing for upcoming holiday gatherings, parties, and social events. Having laser skin resurfacing in the fall gives your skin ample time to heal and rejuvenate before your social calendar ramps up. After all, you want to head into those holiday events knowing you look your best, with fresher and more youthful-looking skin.

Choosing a Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment

So now you know the best timing for your laser skin resurfacing treatment—what’s the best type of laser to choose? Medical lasers have come a long way since they debuted in dermatology during the 1970s, giving you several treatment options, including CO2 and fractional laser skin resurfacing. While both take approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour to perform, each technique uses a slightly different approach.

CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

Short, powerful pulses of light uniformly scatter precise beams of energy into the layers of the skin. Water within skin cells absorbs the light energy as it heats, removing the superficial layers of damaged skin. As this occurs, collagen is produced and healthy, new skin gradually emerges.

C02 laser skin resurfacing is considered more aggressive than fractional laser because the laser blankets the treatment area. The comprehensive heat “damage” may prolong redness and delay healing compared to fractional laser skin resurfacing. The CO2 laser also coagulates blood vessels as it penetrates the skin layers, causing less bleeding than other laser treatments. You can find more details about CO2 laser resurfacing benefits and downtime in our related blog post.

Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing

True to its name, this technique targets a fraction of your skin in the treatment area using tiny beams that create channels in the skin. It is less aggressive than C02 skin resurfacing because it doesn’t affect the tissue surrounding the channels in the skin.

Like CO2 laser treatment, fractional skin resurfacing targets damaged skin and stimulates collagen production, rejuvenating the skin as it heals. If you prefer the more moderate fractional laser approach, you can expect an easier and faster recovery than with a C02 laser, but you may require multiple treatments to achieve your desired results. That’s an important timing consideration if you’re planning to have a fresh-faced glow in time for holiday events.

Recovering From Laser Skin Resurfacing

The skin generally takes about a week to heal following laser skin resurfacing. You may experience some initial burning, peeling, and even blistering after laser resurfacing. It is normal for skin to appear pink for up to 6 weeks following your procedure.

As we mentioned earlier, your skin will be sensitive and vulnerable as you recover, so staying out of the sun is vital–it’s the perfect excuse to spend some time inside lounging by the fireplace this autumn. When you do go out, use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin and your results, even if it’s cloudy (wait about a week after treatment before putting sunscreen or makeup on your skin).

Maximizing Your Laser Skin Resurfacing Results

The results of laser skin resurfacing are gradual, but they can also be dramatic and long-lasting. It’s possible for patients to achieve results for up to 5 years, especially if you take good care of your skin and follow these tips:

  • Avoid sun exposure by applying sunscreen, wearing sunglasses, and brimmed hats
  • Practice a good skincare regimen that includes regularly moisturizing and exfoliating the skin
  • Stay hydrated and eat a well-balanced diet
  • Visit us regularly for maintenance and touch-up treatments

Are You Ready for Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Now that you know what to expect from laser skin resurfacing, it’s time to take the next step toward achieving more youthful skin! Remember, the fall months—with their shorter sunlight hours and cooler temperatures—offer the perfect window to recuperate from your laser skin resurfacing procedure. We encourage you to view our laser skin resurfacing before-and-after photo gallery featuring our actual patients and request a consultation with Dr. Ladner online or call our office at (303) 253-7686 to schedule an appointment.

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