Why Are More Men Getting Nose Jobs?

Why Are More Men Getting Nose Jobs?

If you thought facial plastic surgery was something that only women were doing these days, think again. Statistics show that more men are getting nose jobs, or rhinoplasties as they’re also called. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were nearly 50,000 nose jobs performed in 2019, making it the top male cosmetic surgical procedure.

While everyone has their reasons for wanting a nose job, there are some common ones out there. 

Why Are More Men Getting Nose Jobs?

The Selfie Culture Has Men Taking a Closer Look at Themselves

If you’re considering rhinoplasty for men in Denver, the selfie culture may be motivating you. It’s no secret that many of us are taking more selfies. While some people are taking those pictures at face value, others are using app filters to change things they don’t like. 

Since they’re changing them on the app, many begin to think about how they can change these things permanently. This can lead them to look into nose jobs for men in Denver and other facial plastic surgery procedures.

Men Want to be More Competitive in the Workplace

Although age discrimination is frowned upon, it still exists in many workplaces. Some men want to look younger, and facial plastic surgery is one way to accomplish that. Although they may look to get rid of wrinkles and frown lines, they may also start looking into getting a rhinoplasty to change the look of their face and possibly make them look younger.

Why Are More Men Getting Nose Jobs?

Men Want a Self-Confidence Boost

Many of us have that one thing we wish we could change about our appearance. For some people, that’s their nose. When you’re self-conscious about something, it can lower your self-confidence.

For men wanting to change that one thing that’s been bothering them and get a self-confidence boost in the process, they may start looking into nose jobs for men in Denver. Rhinoplasty for men in Denver can not only change the look of your face, but it can also make you feel better about yourself because you like the reflection staring back at you.

They Want to Fix a Problem

While there are men who opt for a nose job for cosmetic reasons, there are others who want one for more functional purposes. A nose job can help with breathing problems and can also help to correct an old injury. You want to choose a plastic surgeon who is educated in the anatomy of the nose so that any issues like these are taken care of properly.

Contact Us!

If you want more information about nose jobs for men in Denver, call Dr. Keith Ladner. Dr. Ladner has performed countless nose jobs and can advise you whether a rhinoplasty is right for you. Many who have wanted a rhinoplasty for men in Denver have turned to Dr. Ladner because of his experience and calming approach. 
Call the office today at (303) 253-7686 or go online to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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