New Year, New Me – What if You Can Make Yourself New?

Model wearing red sweater pointing at herself

New Year, New Me – What if You Can Make Yourself New?

The new year is a great time to make a fresh start. You can leave all the baggage behind in the previous year and start off by making a change. 

Take a good look in the mirror and decide if you like what you see. Perhaps you’ve been focusing on one thing that you really want to change and are thinking about facial plastic surgery as the fix. It could be something that’s been bothering you for a while but that you kept putting off doing anything about for one reason or another.

Does this sound familiar?

If so, maybe it’s time to make this the year you transform yourself. Let’s take a look at some questions to ask yourself as you consider facial plastic surgery in the new year.

New Year, New Me- What if You Can Make Yourself New?

Why do you want to change your look?

As you start formulating what the new you is going to look like, think about why you want to change. Is age playing a factor in how you look, and do you want to turn back the clock? Is there an injury from an accident that you want to fix? Perhaps, you just never liked one of your facial features and just want a different look.

Knowing why you want to change your look will not only help put things in perspective for yourself but will also help your facial plastic surgeon know your goals. This can help them determine what facial plastic surgery procedure is right for you. They can also let you know what’s realistic in terms of what you want to change.

Do you want a surgical or non-surgical procedure?

Once you determine your goals and desired look, you can decide whether a surgical or non-surgical procedure is the way to go. Non-surgical procedures are less expensive and require less recovery time. But their results are often only temporary, requiring patients to do the same procedure over again down the road.

You need to determine your priorities and find out which type of procedure suits your needs best. This will point you in the direction of which specific procedure is right for you.

New Year, New Me- What if You Can Make Yourself New?

Do you have an idea of what results you’re looking for?

As you start to consider what the new you is going to look like in the new year, do you have a clear vision? Some people want to emulate the look of celebrities. This is not always realistic. You need to have an idea of what you want to look like, but also be flexible in knowing that it may not be exactly possible.

Your facial plastic surgeon will work with you on determining what is possible and best for your desires given your facial structure and overall aesthetic. Many times, an image in a magazine is not actually appropriate for everyone’s facial features. 

Are you familiar with the different facial plastic surgery procedures?

While many people are familiar with a nose job or facelift, they may not know as much about other facial plastic procedures that can also produce great results.

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is one procedure that can give you a more youthful appearance by trimming sagging skin around the eye and letting more light in to reflect against the eye itself.

If your ears have always been a point of concern, you may want to consider an otoplasty. This can make your ears more symmetrical and proportioned.

Others want to improve the look of their lips with lip lift surgery. This aims to add more volume to your lips.

There are also non-invasive procedures like facial fillers that can be used to treat sagging skin and create jawline definition. The main thing to remember with these types of procedures is that the results are not permanent. They will wear off over time. This means you’ll have to decide if you want to get the same procedure again or go for something that’s going to be forever.

As you can tell, there are so many different facial plastic surgery procedures out there that can really transform the way you look. The goal is to be confident in what you want to change and go after it. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Keith Ladner to discuss your goals and determine what’s right for you. Call the office today at (303) 253-7686 or go online to schedule a consultation. Remember, it’s a new year, which is a perfect time for a new you!

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