Is “The Golden Ratio” the Best Way to Measure Facial Attractiveness? Not Necessarily

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They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. While some may argue this to be true, there are still others who believe beauty can be measured using a mathematical equation based on the Golden Ratio. Let’s take a look at what the Golden Ratio is and whether or not it is the best way to measure facial attractiveness.

What Is the Golden Ratio?

The Golden Ratio dates back to the European Renaissance when artists and architects used an equation they referred to as the Golden Ratio. This equation helped them plan their masterpieces and determine how to set certain features.

Fast forward a few thousand years and scientists started using this formula to explain why some people are considered beautiful and others are not. There are several measurements used to make this determination.

First, the length and width of the face are measured. Once this is done, the length is divided by the width. The ideal face measurement is considered the Golden Ratio, which should equal 1.6. This means a beautiful person’s face is about 1 ½ times longer than it is wide.

Three segments of the face are also measured from the forehead hairline to the area between the eyes, the area between the eyes to the bottom of the nose, and from the bottom of the nose to the bottom of the chin. When these measurements are taken, if the numbers are equal, a person is considered more beautiful. There was a belief that a person’s level of attractiveness was connected to their facial symmetry; the more symmetrical, the more beautiful.

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Why the Golden Ratio May Not Be the Best Measurement of Facial Attractiveness

Despite the mathematics that went into developing the Golden Ratio, there are arguments that it is not the best measurement of facial attractiveness. While the Golden Ratio may be important to develop symmetrical structures in art and architecture, some scientists argue that it can’t be used as a measurement to determine beauty. They claim that the original inventors of the Golden Ratio never claimed that it had aesthetic qualities. This was just something that was assumed over the years.

There is an argument that everyone’s faces are different and to think that people are all going to measure up to the Golden Ratio is a bit silly. Other factors contribute to whether one person finds another beautiful. Other facial features, as well as hormones, all play a role in who we find attractive. Many people still believe in simply looking at another person, not measuring their face, to determine beauty.

Redefine Your Beauty With Ladner Facial Plastic Surgery

While some may still rely on the Golden Ratio to determine physical beauty and the so-called “perfect face” others believe in looking at each individual. If you want information on facial plastic surgery procedures to change your look, contact Dr. Keith Ladner, a double-board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Ladner is experienced in several facial plastic surgery procedures and can advise you about which ones are best for your facial features. Call Dr. Ladner today at (303) 253-7686 or go online to schedule a consultation


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