Thinking of Getting a Nose Job? Read This First!

Ladner Facial Plastic Surgery in Denver

Whether you’ve been thinking about getting a nose job for some time or just woke up this morning, looked in the mirror, and decided it was time for a change, there are some things to consider before going under the knife.

Many people may not grasp that a nose job, or rhinoplasty as it’s also called, is a surgery. That means there will be recovery time and bruising. Often prospective patients assume that because nose jobs are done as outpatient procedures they’ll be back to their normal activities the next day. Not so!

Besides recovery time and surgical bruising, there are other things you need to know before getting a nose job.

Be Realistic

While nose jobs can dramatically change someone’s appearance, patients need to be realistic in what they’re hoping to accomplish. Many patients often bring photos of what or who they’d like to look like with their new nose, but these photos may not be realistic for their face or bone structure. As a nose job surgeon in Boulder, Dr. Keith Ladner meets with patients to go over these expectations and outline what can realistically be done to achieve a satisfactory result. Many times an additional procedure such as a chin augmentation is also recommended to bring symmetry to the face and to get the desired results.

Get Prepped

There are some basic things you must do to prepare yourself for your rhinoplasty. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, many times patients must either stop or start taking certain medications. Patients are also advised to avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and herbal supplements before their surgery. These medications can increase bleeding during surgery. Make sure your plastic surgeon is aware of all medicines you are taking before your surgery date. All prospective rhinoplasty patients will also be told to stop smoking in preparation for the surgery.

You Will Be Out of Work

Don’t expect to get your nose job one day and be back to work the next. Patients are usually out of work for 3-5 days. While you may be able to return to work, you may not be able to do all of your normal activities. You’ll be asked to sleep on your back for a couple of weeks to allow your nose to heal. There is also a small splint that will be placed over your nose for protection, which is usually removed within 7 days of the surgery.

Results Will Take Time

Don’t expect to see results right away. You’ll need to wait for any bruising and swelling to go down in order to see the true results. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t see the results of your nose job immediately. Each patient recovers differently so you shouldn’t compare yourself to friends who may have had the same procedure.

A Rhinoplasty Can Impact Breathing

Many people may be under the impression that nose jobs only affect how a person looks. The truth is that a nose job can also impact breathing. While it may improve breathing in some patients, it may worsen breathing in others. When choosing a rhinoplasty surgeon in Boulder, it’s important to select one who understands the anatomy of the nose and how it functions.

Check Out Before and After Photos

When you’re looking for a nose job surgeon in Boulder, ask to see before and after photos of previous patients. You may even ask to see photos of someone whose nose resembles yours so that you can get a real-life image of what is possible. Any reputable surgeon who has done quality work will be more than happy to share these photos with you.

Finding the Right Surgeon Is Everything

You not only want to find a plastic surgeon who is experienced when it comes to rhinoplasties, but you also want to choose one who makes you feel comfortable. You should be able to ask any questions you want and get the answers you need. A nose job is a big surgery. After all your nose is the centerpiece of your face!

Do You Want to Learn More About Rhinoplasties?

If you are considering a nose job and want to learn more, contact Dr. Keith Ladner’s office. As a

rhinoplasty surgeon in Boulder, Dr. Ladner is extremely experienced and knowledgeable and can answer your questions. Dr. Ladner is double-board certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as the American Board of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery. Call today at (303) 253-7686 or go online to schedule a consultation.

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