From Facelift to Chin Augmentation: What Is Facial Plastic Surgery?

Ladner Facial Plastic Surgery in Denver

As we age, our skin begins to lose elasticity, causing it to sag and wrinkle. Due to environmental and other factors, some people also begin to experience crow’s feet and frown lines they want to change.

That’s where facial plastic surgery comes in.

Facial plastic surgery is a way to improve the quality of your skin and look years younger in the process. When men and women come in to talk with us about facial plastic surgery at our Denver practice, they may think of a facelift or neck lift surgery, but facial rejuvenation surgery encompasses so many more options. Let’s take a look at some of these options.


A facelift tightens the skin and soft tissues, from the cheekbones to the collar bones. That means the cheeks, jowl, and neck can all be visibly improved with a facelift. The procedure results in a naturally more youthful appearance. As a facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Keith Ladner can educate you about the facelift process so that you can decide if it’s right for you. You can see the results one of our patients enjoyed after a facelift and platysmaplasty (tightening of the neck’s platysma muscle) in the Instagram post below:

Neck Lift

Some people want to strictly focus on the skin on and around their neck. A neck lift can improve the appearance of this skin by tightening it and losing the saggy look that plagues many people. You can see the excellent results we can achieve in these neck lift before and after pictures:

Chin Augmentation

Another type of facial plastic surgery is concentrated around the chin. When people get a nose job, sometimes a chin augmentation is also needed to keep the face in proportion.

Eyelid Lift

Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery or an eyelid lift, removes excess skin from the upper eyelid or adjusts or removes the fat pouches under the eyes. The results create a more refreshed and alert look. You can learn more about the procedure in this video:

Brow Lift

Addressing a heavy or sagging brow and forehead, a brow lift tightens the tissue, helping to open up the eye area and create a more youthful, vibrant appearance.

Contact Us

If you are looking for a facial plastic surgeon in Denver, call Dr. Keith Ladner. Dr. Ladner can give you all the information you need so you can decide which procedure is right for you. Call Dr.Ladner today at (303) 253-7686 or go online to request a consultation. Find out why so many patients trust and recommend Dr. Ladner for their plastic surgery needs in Denver.

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